The Cherrybrook Difference

Each child is indeed unique!
At Cherrybrook, not only does our pedagogy facilitate the observation of every child in the environment, our team also makes a concerted effort to understand and take note of each child’s development, from their academic to character, social and emotional aspects.
Low student-teacher ratio to challenge and develop each child's ability
“A child is a snowflake, each one unique, each one special, each one a gift from God.” Author Unknown

Every family is assigned a tutor who will journey with you to help your child at school and at home. Tutors are individuals who are equipped to guide families and share parenting experiences. ​Through the tutorial system, a strong parent-school collaboration is formed.
A dedicated tutor for each family

Good habits are building blocks of personal excellence
A Cherrybrook education is about striving for academic excellence not as an end in itself, but as a means to solid character formation.
We encourage and expect our children to give their very best in every piece of work or activity they are engaged in. In doing so, they develop virtues such as diligence, excellence, self-discipline, fortitude, generosity and joy. Our children use the environment to improve themselves; they work for the sake of the process, which brings them much joy and learning at the same time.
“Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of education” Martin Luther King Jr.
Building the cornerstones of your child's development
- with The Virtues Project

What is Virtue? A virtue is a habit and disposition of the heart formed by repetition of good actions that build the moral character. Virtues are quite different from values. Values pertain to personal preference or group consensus; they may or may not be moral, and are subjective. Virtues however, are objectively good and they necessarily involve actions which help to improve a person’s life as a whole.
The Virtues Project (www.virtuesproject.com) forms a core part of our curriculum and character education programme. Through its implementation, we foster in our children virtues such as orderliness, respect, peacefulness, excellence, responsibility, fortitude, generosity, perseverance, self-discipline, amongst many others.
The acquisition of these virtues, combined with the love for noble values and ideals, are the cornerstones for a child’s character development. This is a lifelong task. To this end, Cherrybrook plays a key role in helping parents set a strong and lasting foundation so that their children are well prepared to undertake their journey through life.
“Only a school of character can aspire to foster character in its pupils.”
Professor Charles Glenn of Boston University
At Cherrybrook, the classroom, gym, playing fields, social functions are all avenues for teaching virtues and imparting character to our students. Thus, the whole school environment becomes a classroom for character development. In these different settings, our students experience a climate of genuine service and acceptance. They learn to value sincerity and generosity in friendship; they grasp the relationship between making choices and the personal responsibilities that come with every choice.

Our team of teachers also strive to live the virtues which include cheerfulness, a spirit of sacrifice, generosity, excellence, all the points which we want our children to pick up and to which parents themselves, the primary role models, aspire towards.

Supporting you on your parenting journey
As parents, you have an innate ability for the upbringing of your children; nonetheless, you also have a corresponding responsibility to strengthen and improve upon this capability. You must also strive to grow in these same qualities of mind and character that you wish your children to acquire!

In Cherrybrook, we recognize that parents need and want help - especially in the form of educational opportunities - to meet all the challenges parenting brings with it today. We encourage all parents to attend short parenting courses, seminars, workshops, talks and other activities. The active participation of parents in these programmes have enabled many of our mums and dads to improve in their role as primary educators of their children.
We encourage active parent involvement in school life. We are blessed with many parents who contribute their talents and time to enrich the Cherrybrrook family culture.